Four good things about a cement septic tank

If you are looking for a new septic tank, you have probably seen or heard about all the different kinds of septic systems and septic tanks. This short article will tell you why a cement septic tank is a good idea.

Concrete septic systems have always been popular, and before plastic and fiberglass were invented, they were the only ones available. One reason this type of tank is seen so often is because it can last for a long time. A cement tank that is built well will last for at least 50 years. But if the cement isn't properly mixed or poured, it might only last a few years. It's important to buy from a contractor with a good reputation.

Even when they are empty, concrete septic tanks are very heavy. This means that you won't float on the ground and rise up over time, like a plastic tank sometimes does.

Because they can be built to be quite big, concrete septic tanks are best for large households. In fact, the cement can be poured to almost any size, but the bigger the tank, the heavier it will be and the bigger the crane that will be needed to put it in place. A plastic tank is the same size as a cement tank but only weighs a small portion of what a cement tank does.

Most likely, the best thing about cement tanks is that they are legal in every state. In some states, you can't have tanks made of plastic or fiberglass.

So, to quickly review what a cement tank is good for:

In the end, you should do your research and find the best tank for your needs. Depending on where you live and how many people live in your home, you may be able to choose between cement, plastic, or fiberglass tanks. Do not make a hasty decision, because problems with the septic system after it has been installed could give you gray hair. There are a lot of free resources online, and a local contractor would be happy to help you choose the best one.


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